There are a variety of styles available for different occasions and style preferences. Shoulder Bags. One of the most popular handbag options, the shoulder bag. A handbag is any type of bag or case that can be carried either by hand or over the shoulder. Such bags are traditionally marketed to women, who use these bags to carry their cosmetics, money, and personal belongings. Handbags also may be closed in some way, either by gathering up the straps, or with a snap or clasp.
Handbags are more than just an accessory to carry your keys, wallet, and other necessities. They’re the ultimate combination of function and fashion, perfectly blending utility with sophistication and style. With so many styles of handbags to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which best fits your lifestyle and needs. There are different kinds of handbags for different occasions, whether you’re taking a trip to the beach, heading to the gym, or getting ready for a night out. Not sure which kind of handbag to carry for your next outing? No problem, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explore the various types of handbags, so you can easily decide which are must-haves for your closet.
Tote Bag:
The tote bag is a simple, yet sophisticated design that is perfect for those days when you have a few extra items to carry. Some defining characteristics of totes include a square or rectangular shape, short straps, a structured design, and few to no pockets. This style is sometimes referred to as the “shopper’s bag” because it can hold several items at once. A canvas tote is ideal for a day at the beach, while a leather tote is more appropriate for the office.
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Bucket Bag:
Just like the name implies, the bucket bag is spacious enough for all of your belongings. This bag shape is known for having a structured bottom, a slouchy body, and a drawstring closure. Its unique design allows ample room for larger items, like a pair of sandals or a lunch bag. If you’re an on-the-go kind of gal, a bucket bag is ideal for you!
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The satchel is known for its versatility. It’s one of the few types of bags for men and women alike, as it is a great design for those who prioritize organization, like students or professionals. Satchels typically have a flat bottom, a rectangular shape, buckles or clasps for closure, and a cross body strap. Because they’re usually larger in size, satchels are great for carrying a laptop, books, or other heavy items. Surely you’ve heard of the Hermès Birkin bag, one of the most recognized satchel bags. The brand’s iconic design is known to be a favorite of famous fashionistas like Heidi Klum and Victoria Beckham.
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Hobo Bag:
Remember when you were a child, and your favorite cartoon character would carry around a bindle sack tied to a hobo stick. Interestingly enough, this was the inspiration for the design of the modern hobo bag. Usually crescent shaped with a short shoulder strap, hobo bag purses are great for casual, everyday wear. Its unstructured design gives the hobo bag a distinct, relaxed look without compromising space. Its roomy interior can easily carry the essentials, and then some!
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Backpack Purse:
When you think of the various types of bags for school, backpacks are likely the first thing that comes to mind. But this popular academic necessity has evolved into a fashion forward accessory that complements practically any ensemble. If you’re an active go-getter, a backpack purse is perfectly suited for you. The convenient, hands-free design of a backpack makes carrying your valuables comfortable and easy. Great for a day trip to an amusement park or museum, a backpack purse guarantees you’ll have room for water, sunscreen, and even a souvenir or two. For a dressier look, opt for a leather backpack with polished hardware.
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Have you ever made the mistake of lugging your large handbag to a wedding or night on the town? If so, you know how cumbersome it can be to try to dance, drink, and celebrate while carrying what feels like a bowling bag. Thankfully, this problem is easily solved by wearing a clutch instead. The clutch is a petite handbag that can be used to carry smaller items like your favorite lipstick. Great for pairing with formal ensembles, clutches can be found in a variety of colors, shapes, and styles. Their lightweight design guarantees you’ll never feel weighed down while trying to enjoy yourself.